Constipation During Pregnancy

Ah, the joys of pregnancy. Your boobs hurt, your gums are bleeding, everything makes you want to either cry or barf, and now, you can’t poop! I promise it does goes get better, and I’m here to help you get through it.

What it is?

Constipation is the infrequence of bowl movements. It can be uncomfortable or even painful and stools tend to be hard. Constipation occurs in approximately 50% of pregnant people.

What causes it?

You guessed it! Hormones…

Progesterone, the hormone keeping you little nugget intact in your uterus is also the culprit for the sore boobs, loose ligaments, and the constipation. During pregnancy, your body digests food slower than it would otherwise to give your body a chance to digest extra nutrients and water.

It also doesn’t help that there is a human sitting on top of your intestinal tract stopping things up.

 How to prevent it

Keep moving. It doesn’t have to be anything aggressive, just walk around every once in a while. When you move, so do your bowels.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. This is my answer for so many pregnancy related issues because it’s tried and true.

High fiber foods. Bran, fruits and vegetables. If you are a picky eater, adding a tablespoon of flax meal is a great flavorless option that is easily disguised in food.

Natural relief methods

Melt a tablespoon of butter in prune juice and take it like a shot. It sounds gross but it’s highly effective.

Magnesium. Can be used to relieve cramping and keep things moving. I suggest taking it at night as it can cause drowsiness.

Probiotic. Can be taken either in pill form but also by way of yogurt.

Chiropractic care.

Warm water with lemon. Hydrate while also getting


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